Player Submissions and Links


Furball's sites

Realsites for WB3, including a historical site set..

Suso's WarbirdsIII gunsites.

-sflo- gunsites.

Player submissions

Email me your submissions as a .tga image in a zipped file to errthumt (at) Include which planes you use it in and any advice to make it bring bullets onto its target. Also, please reference the original creator when editing existing sites.

Right click image to download zipeed file, save unzipped files as gunsite.tga in the appropriate skins folder

images taken at 55 deg view, 1024x768, to accomplish close-up
These come from suso. He stated that he started from the Realsites (link above) and came up with these. They are ranged for most fighter wingspans at about 200 yards. Suso likes to use the one with the larger pipper (dot in middle), but created the others in case someone preferred the smaller one. The sites were designed to have thin bright markings. He stated he flies with these at 1024x768 resolution and usually in 90 degrees of view. Oh, and by the way, they are Mac approved! :)

images taken at 55 deg view, 1024x768, to accomplish close-up
This zipped file contains 4 gunsites and 1 readme file demonstrating the ranging on 2 of them (tweaked for the 190 series). There are really 2 sites, done in 2 colors, orange and bright red. These were designed by kapsyl and myself, basing them off his WB 2.77 gunsites.
No image, it's just a dot, man! :) Click here. This came in as a request from Triggr who loves the classic dot'o'death. In the zipped file, you will find a red and orange version. Rename them gunsite.tga and put them in the appropriate folders.
This is Llama's work. He took the famous DocDoom gunsight and customized its sizing for each plane. A lot of work and worth it.

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