DEUTMEYER and ERRTHUM (with a little EVANS)
Available pictures (thank you Jodi and Sherry):
PIC#1-the Deutmeyer Cousins at Grandma's 80th (1996)
PIC#2-the dreaded Deutmeyer Fruit Bowl and its owner
For it is written: "Ye that covets thy bowl o fruit shall be damned to hold thou gathering!"
PIC#3-the Errthum ladies take control of the Dance Floor.
PIC#4-Wedding exit Lawrence Welk style
PIC#5-Mark Hays and his gleaming bride celebrate their day.
PIC#6-Kidd Rock (or is that Mark and his band) entertained at the wedding.
The following is a spam-proof listing of emails, for more info go here
Emails are clickable below, click on the name for text that can be copied.
Immediate Family Emails:
Deutmeyer Family Emails:
Errthum Family Emails:
Hefel Family online family tree
Dan Hefel's Vietnam experience
Evans Family Emails:
Evans' family picnic